




  • 確保富人限制自身的消費,讓窮人也能公平地使用地球的資源。
  • 重新定義財富的概念,將重點放在生活品質,而非過度消費的能力。
  • 建立一套世界經濟體系,其目標在滿足所有人,而非少數貪婪者的欲望;讓現代人滿足生活所需的同時,不會危及後代子孫滿足其生活所需的能力。
  • 消除人口成長的因素,這要透過:確保經濟的安全,提供每個人基本的教育和健康;讓兩性對生育有更多的掌控力。
  • 重新定義跨國公司的角色與責任,以維持永續發展的各項原則。
  • 對於投機性資本的流動,實施管理及課稅措施。
  • 確保各項商品與服務的市場價格完全反映生產和消費過程中的環境成本。
  • 達到更高的資源和能源效益;發展和使用在環境上可永續的科技。
  • 鼓勵地方自給自足、充分發展,以創造有價值且滿意的社群與社區。
  • 肯認青年文化扮演的關鍵角色,並在其文化內鼓勵一種永續性的倫理。



We recognise the limited scope for the material expansion of human society within the biosphere, and the need to maintain biodiversity through sustainable use of renewable resources and responsible use of non-renewable resources.  We believe that to achieve sustainability, and in order to provide for the needs of present and future generations within the finite resources of the earth, continuing growth in global consumption, population and material inequity must be halted and reversed.  We recognise that sustainability will not be possible as long as poverty persists.  我們瞭解:在地球生物圈內,人類社會的物質擴張範圍有其限制;我們也了解,經由永續使用可再生資源,與負責任的使用不可再生資源,以維持生物多樣性的必要。我們相信:為了要實現永續性,也為了能在有限的地球資源下,滿足當代與後代子孫的需要,必須盡快停止與逆轉持續成長的全球消費,與人口、資源不均的現象造成的影響。我們明白:只要貧窮依然存在,永續性就不可能達成。


This requires  要達成這些目標,我們需要:

●  ensuring that the rich limit their consumption to allow the poor their fair share of the earth's resources  確保富人限制自身的消費,讓窮人也能公平地使用地球的資源;


●  redefining the concept of wealth, to focus on quality of life rather than capacity for over-consumption  重新定義財富的概念,將重點放在生活品質,而非過度消費的能力;


●  creating a world economy which aims to satisfy the needs of all, not the greed of a few; and enables those presently living to meet their own needs, without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet theirs  建立一套世界經濟體系,其目標在滿足所有人,而非少數貪婪者的欲望;讓現代人滿足生活所需的同時,不會危及後代子孫滿足其生活所需的能力;


●  eliminating the causes of population growth by ensuring economic security, and providing access to basic education and health, for all; giving both men and women greater control over their fertility  消除人口成長的因素,這要透過:確保經濟的安全,提供每個人基本的教育和健康;讓兩性對生育有更多的掌控力;


●  redefining the roles and responsibilities of trans-national corporations in order to support the principles of sustainable development  重新定義跨國公司的角色與責任,以維持永續發展的各項原則;


●  implementing mechanisms to tax, as well as regulating, speculative financial flows  對於投機性資本的流動,實施管理及課稅措施;


●  ensuring that market prices of goods and services fully incorporate the environmental costs of their production and consumption  確保各項商品與服務的市場價格完全反映生產和消費過程中的環境成本;


●  achieving greater resource and energy efficiency and development and use of environmentally sustainable technologies  達到更高的資源和能源效益;發展和使用在環境上可永續的科技;


●  encouraging local self-reliance to the greatest practical extent to create worthwhile, satisfying communities  鼓勵地方自給自足、充分發展,以創造有價值且滿意的社群與社區;


●  recognising the key role of youth culture and encouraging an ethic of sustainability within that culture.  肯認青年文化扮演的關鍵角色,並在其文化內鼓勵一種永續性的倫理。