參與式民主/Participatory Democracy

  • 透過讓每個人擁有完整、及時、正確的資訊,足以充分地參與各項決策,以及使其有能力參與的教育學習機會,來培力個人;
  • 打破財富及權力的不平等門檻,這些門檻是全民參與的阻礙;
  • 建立草根性的制度,此一制度建立在鼓勵市民活力、志願行動和社區責任的體系上,讓各項決策在適當層級上,直接由那些受影響者決定;
  • 教育、鼓勵與協助青少年從各方面參與政治,包括參加各種決策團體,大力支持青少年發聲;
  • 經選舉產生的民意代表,都承諾在治理上遵行透明、誠實、與負責的原則;
  • 所有的選舉制度都是光明正大和民主的,並且依法執行;
  • 在所有選舉制度中,每個成年人都享有票票等值的平等投票權;
  • 所有的選舉制度應該以比例代表制為基礎,並以公費選舉辦理,這些選舉支出必須受到嚴格控管,而來自企業與私人的捐款則需完全透明公開;
  • 在多黨政治的體系下,每位公民都有權利加入所選擇的政黨,成為其中一員。



Participatory Democracy參與式民主

We strive for a democracy in which all citizens have the right to express their views, and are able to directly participate in the environmental, economic, social and political decisions which affect their lives; so that power and responsibility are concentrated in local and regional communities, and devolved only where essential to higher tiers of governance.  我們努力追求的民主是:所有公民都有表達自身觀點的權利,並且,能夠直接參與對其生活有所影響的環境、經濟、社會和政治決策。如此一來,權力和責任將集中於地方與區域內的公眾手中,只有在必要時,才轉移至更高的管理階層。

This requires  要達成這些目標,我們需要:

●  individual empowerment through access to all the relevant information required for any decision, and access to education to enable all to participate  透過讓每個人擁有完整、及時、正確的資訊,足以充分地參與各項決策,以及使其有能力參與的教育學習機會,來培力個人;


●  breaking down inequalities of wealth and power that inhibit participation  打破財富及權力的不平等門檻,這些門檻是全民參與的阻礙;


●  building grassroots institutions that enable decisions to be made directly at the appropriate level by those affected, based on systems which encourage civic vitality, voluntary action and community responsibility  建立草根性的制度,此一制度建立在鼓勵市民活力、志願行動和社區責任的體系上,讓各項決策在適當層級上,直接由那些受影響者決定;


●  strong support for giving young people a voice through educating, encouraging and assisting youth involvement in every aspect of political life including their participation in all decision making bodies  教育、鼓勵與協助青少年從各方面參與政治,包括參加各種決策團體,大力支持青少年發聲;


●  that all elected representatives are committed to the principles of transparency, truthfulness, and accountability in governance  經選舉產生的民意代表,都承諾在治理上遵行透明、誠實、與負責的原則;


●  that all electoral systems are transparent and democratic, and that this is enforced by law  所有的選舉制度都是光明正大和民主的,並且依法執行;


●  that in all electoral systems, each adult has an equal vote  在所有選舉制度中,每個成年人都享有票票等值的平等投票權;


●  that all electoral systems are based on proportional representation, and all elections are publicly funded with strict limits on, and full transparency of, corporate and private donations  所有的選舉制度應該以比例代表制為基礎,並以公費選舉辦理,這些選舉支出必須受到嚴格控管,而來自企業與私人的捐款則需完全透明公開;


●  that all citizens have the right to be a member of the political party of their choice within a multi-party system.  在多黨政治的體系下,每位公民都有權利加入所選擇的政黨,成為其中一員。